Out Of The Storm

“And once the storm is over, you won’t remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won’t even be sure, whether the storm is really over. But one thing is certain. When you come out of the storm, you won’t be the same person who walked in. That’s what this storm’s all about.” ~Haruki Murakami

We never saw the storm coming. Before we knew what was happening, we were surrounded by it. The pounding rain and furious wind disoriented us and knocked us from the path that we were on. And the lightning. The lightning shot through my son’s brain and contorted his tiny body. With relentless force, it changed our lives forever.

When the storm first hit, it scattered us. It pulled us away from each other and left us feeling lost and alone. I was angry at the storm. Angry for trying to take my son. Angry for trying to take my family. Angry for making me feel helpless. I shouted at it. I kept shouting, but it didn’t relent. Even after I lost my voice, I kept shouting until I realized that shouting wasn’t going to help me find my family. So I stopped shouting and began my search.

It took awhile for me to catch my bearings. The storm forced me to shed some of the baggage I was carrying to make progress and move forward. My wife was on a similar path, and she had started moving forward, too. Eventually, we found each other through the endless rain. We found our son, too. His frail body was exposed to the storm more than ours and we weren’t sure if he would recover. So we took turns covering him until he was finally able to move. Tired, battered, but together, we set off as a family to find our way through the storm.

It was years before we could see even a few feet ahead of us. Years where our hands would slip for each other’s grasp but we managed to reach for each other before we slipped too far apart. Some days we would take turns carrying our son or carrying each other. We kept moving, but it felt like we were going in circles. The storm would seem to let up only to return in force with another step. We’d tread over the same ground, seeing the footsteps we’d left pooled up with water.

After years of wandering, we stopped walking. If we weren’t going to make it out of the storm, we knew we needed shelter. At first, it wasn’t much. The wind would easily push over our weak walls, forcing us to rebuild. But we learned and built stronger walls. When the weight of the rain was too much and collapsed the roof, we rebuilt it, too, stronger than it was before. We found other people who were in the same storm, and we helped each other. And there were people living outside the storm who would send in their support, too.

Today, we find ourselves both out of the storm but still in it. We can see it through the window, threatening to take down our shelter if we let our guard down. So we continue to reinforce the walls we used to build it. We’re doing it as a family, closer than ever before because of the journey we are on together. None of us are the same people that we were when we walked in. We are changed. Tighter. Stronger.

The storm isn’t over and it won’t give up. And neither will we.

Awareness Never Ends

This post is part of the Epilepsy Blog Relay™, which will run from June 1 to June 30, 2018.  Follow along!

We sat at a large, round table in the special education classroom with half of us seated uncomfortably in child-sized plastic chairs. My wife, our advocate, and I sat on one end of the table. The district’s lawyer, psychologist and special education coordinator, the school’s principal and special education teacher, my son’s second-grade teacher, and his aide filled the remaining seats.

We were reviewing my son’s IEP that had just been approved. After two years of providing our own DIY education for our son under a makeshift 504 plan, we hired a lawyer to finally get my son a formalized education plan and the protection that it affords him. It was clear as we reviewed the supporting documentation that we needed that protection because the system is not set up for children like him. It was even more clear as we reviewed his test results that they didn’t really know my son.

They made comments about his learning without fully grasping how hard he works when he is outside their walls. They made judgments based on a few hours of testing and observation but they didn’t really understand him or what he was going through.

When the special education teacher said that she had other kids with epilepsy, I cringed. “I had another kid with epilepsy” is like saying I’ve seen one shade of blue. The spectrum of what epilepsy is to a person is as broad as the hues and tones that make up every color imaginable.

This wasn’t the first time that someone at my son’s school generalized epilepsy. The one-size-fits-all seizure plan hanging in the nurse’s office is another symptom of the lack of understanding around his condition. Sometimes, having a little knowledge and convincing yourself that you know everything about something is worse than having no knowledge at all. So we did what we always do and explained how epilepsy is different for everyone and how it affects our son specifically.

We know that won’t be the last time we need to provide that explanation because awareness never ends.

There will always be a new school year.

A new teacher.

A new aide.

A new babysitter.

A new parent.

A new doctor.

A new nurse.

A new coach.

A new team.

A new boss.

A new colleague.

A new friend.

Every time a new person comes into our lives, it is an opportunity to help them understand my son. It’s an opportunity to help them understand epilepsy from the perspective of a child and a family living it every day.

It is not always easy. It’s not easy to retell the story of how epilepsy tried to take our son. It’s not easy to describe how hard he has to work every day or to explain how epilepsy is more than just seizures. But every time we do it, we create understanding. It makes the world around my son a bit more accepting of him and his condition. And, I hope, it creates a bit more understanding in the world for other children like him.

NEXT UP: Be sure to check out the next post by Clair at http://www.epilepsybumps.com/.

TWITTER CHAT: Save the date for the  #LivingWellChat on June 30 at 7PM ET.

Paying The Toll

We were coming off a good weekend. We celebrated my wife’s birthday on Saturday, and we ended Memorial Day visiting friends, having a swim lesson, and staying up a little later to see part of the first game of the hockey finals. We put my son to bed tired but happy.

Just after midnight, the first seizure came. I heard the sound come from my son’s room a second or two before the sound came through the speaker of his monitor. By the time I got to him, it had passed. He was sitting up in his bed disoriented, so I helped him lay back down and waited for him to fall back to sleep.

The next seizure came a few hours later. The next one an hour after that. And the next one an hour after that. It was like aftershocks after an earthquake, except each of them was just as intense as the one before it. He had at least four that I saw, but we learned during the overnight EEGs that we don’t see them all.

When he does anything that exerts an effort mentally or physically, a nap-time seizure or a collection of seizures during the night is likely to follow. We bowled for an hour and he had a seizure during his nap. After a morning baseball game, a seizure. Even though he only goes to school for a few hours, he’ll often have a seizure during his nap.

We tried to explain it to his school. It’s not just about what he can handle in the moment. The exertion carries beyond the activity itself. It show’s up as more seizures, which set him up to be more tired the next day. That lowers his seizure threshold for the next day, too, making him more likely to have seizures or requiring him to spend more energy regulating his emotions or attention. It’s downward spiral that ends with the husk of a boy too tired to function.

It feels like the universe collects a toll from my son based on how much he gets to actually live his life. It imposes a penalty to knock him back down and remind him of his limitations when he tries to exceed them. Someone with uncontrolled seizures shouldn’t play baseball. Seizures. Someone with uncontrolled seizures shouldn’t be progressing in school. Seizures. Someone with uncontrolled seizures shouldn’t be going to the skate park, or an amusement park, or a hockey game. Seizures.

Every time it happens, I question whether we did too much. But I gave up wondering if we should be doing anything at all, because that’s having no life. That’s letting epilepsy win. That’s not giving my son the life and the world that he deserves. So we’re careful and we’re calculated in deciding what to do and how much to do. We do our best to protect our son but let him be part of the world. We introduce as much downtime as possible so that we can distrupt his pattern of exhaustion and let him do the things he loves.

The universe seems committed to collecting its toll, but we’re doing everything we can to minimize how much my son has to pay. Because we’re going to keep on living.