Early Mornings And Coffee Spoons

It’s still dark outside, but I’m at my usual station, too early in the morning, writing. My son had a short seizure that woke me up. My wheels started turning and I couldn’t turn them off. The upside of him sleeping in our bed is that I don’t have to lose sleep wondering if the monitor is working. The downside is that his seizures are right in front of me, and its impossible to go back to sleep once they are over.

At some point, he isn’t going to be able to sleep with us. He’ll be too old and too big to fit in our bed. If there were ever a reason to wish him to remain seven forever, that might be near the top of my list. Coming in a close second is the fear that his condition is going to get worse as he gets older. Our doctor is concerned about what happens at puberty. It’s another stage of brain development where seizures can change or be more severe. I thought it was impossible for things to get worse. Apparently, they can.

Today, he’s only had epilepsy for a fraction of his existence, but by then, he’ll have had epilepsy for most of his life. We’ll long have lost count of seizures, and meds, and have long forgotten about the time before this began. It will be all we know and all he can remember.

This is what happens to my unrested brain so early in the morning. It gets pulled into the stream and dragged wherever the current takes it, and there is no safe shore for my thoughts to land. The present is filled with seizures, medicine, side effects, and, presently, a lack of sleep. The future has too much uncertainty, doubt, and fear. The past is too painful. Remembering a time without epilepsy is getting harder and, if I try, it makes me sad. What we saw for our lives back then was not this life.

My coffee sitting on the window sill does little to pull my unrested brain back to happier thoughts. But as I stare out onto the dark street, I can at least resist the urge to measure our lives with coffee spoons, in careful doses or as an observer. There is so much left to our journey, so much active living to do and so much of it is unknown that dwelling in any one place is fruitless toil.

Instead of focusing on a when, I try to focus on my what. My what is my family that is together and, in many ways, stronger than ever. Most days are hard, but there is always something to be grateful for. We have a nightly routine where we call out something that we’re grateful for from our day. Even if we skip the rest of our routine, that one gets done. Because those things for which I am grateful are worth measuring, and I want to focus on adding as many of them as I can to this life.

On that note, I’m going to sneak back into bed and lay next to my family. I’m going to do everything that I can to settle my mind and be present in that feeling of being together.

And, maybe, I’ll actually sleep.

Leading With Love

Sometimes I look at my son and I see a tall blade of grass, swaying in the breeze. His legs appears rooted on the ground, but his body moves and bends as if it is being pushed by an invisible force. Or a corn stalk that is too thin to support the ear that is is carrying, bobbing in no particular direction but down. It seems an exhausting tasks to constantly keep from falling over.

When he moves, I see a puppet whose strings sometimes get twisted. The extension of his limbs or the gate of his stride are not quite right, and he sometimes tumbles to the ground. We do our best to pull him up and untangle his knotted strings, but each time he falls, my heart aches.

I wonder if, when he does fall, when he’s lying on the ground, if that’s when he feels the most stable. Like in my younger days after I had too much to drink. When I wanted to lay on the bed and prayed for the world to stop spinning around me. My prayers were rarely answered, but at least I felt like there was nowhere further to fall. I could close my eyes and feel the world spread out below me and holding me so that my body could release all its tension. Only, he shouldn’t be old enough to know what that feels like.

When he falls to the ground, I get angy and frustrated and sad. I look at him as that blade of grass, or stalk of corn, or sailor, or puppet. I can’t help myself but wonder if he wants to stay down for an extra second to let his body not worry about balance. But when I do, when he looks at me, I worry that he will see those expressions on my face directed at him. That he’ll think that I am angry and frustrated at him, or that he’ll see me sad and think that it is because of him. It’s a heavy burden to think that you are the cause of such powerful emotions in another person. Of course, he’s not. My anger, my frustration, and my sadness are not because of him, but because of what is happening to him. But what else could he think when I look at him the way I do? He shouldn’t be old enough to know what that feels like, either.

The cruelest thing that epilepsy continues to do is to try to make my son feel less than he is. Less than an amazing boy. Less than the best son. Less than a gift. Less than a miracle. It feels as if it is using me to do its dirty work, to project those feelings on my son through my worry and frustration. I catch myself doing it, but usually after the message has been delivered. It’s a terrible feeling to worry about what your child thinks you think when you look at him. Because regardless of what is visible on the surface, hidden underneath is always love.

I wish my instict was to lead with love. I want so much for that to be what he sees when I’m looking at him instead of the temporary emotions caused by a symptom of his condition. I don’t want him to have to remember that I also love him, I want that to be where he goes first. Because the pain and sadness at what his condition is doing to him is amplified by that love. Because loving him is where I am, first and always.

How People On Reddit Talk About Epilepsy

As a technologist, I’m fascinated about how people use social media. It’s such a vast space but people find places where they can make connections around any number of topics. Social media has fostered revolutions, saved lives, but also taken them. It enables freedom of expression but also allows an unprecedented level of hatred. Like a hammer, social media is a tool, and it’s up to humanity to use it to build or to destroy.

I read an article that described a language analysis done on comments from Reddit. Reddit is a community website that aggregates content. It also allows members to share, rate, and discuss the content. I thought it would be interesting to see how people on Reddit talked about epilepsy.

Why does it matter?

If you’re reading this post, you may have been lead to it by Twitter, Facebook, or Medium. Maybe you subscribed to the blog. In any case, you are using technology and the Internet to consume information. And there is a lot of information out there…some good, some bad, some supportive, some not. These types of analyses aren’t perfect, but they can provide some interesting insights.

I’m old enough to be able to navigate these platforms and decide what to take and what to leave. While my son is not of Internet age yet, he will be soon. And he’ll be more likely to look to social media for support. The more I know about the different systems, the abler I’ll be to guide him as he explores them.

More generally, though, these types of analyses can be helpful to see what aspects of epilepsy people are talking about. Or, not talking enough about.

What data did I look at?

For this project, I grabbed comments from March 2017 that contained the word “epilepsy“. That gave me 3,046 comments out of about 79 million (0.0038%). Literally, a drop in the bucket, but enough for a simple analysis.

Number of comments by day in March 2017

Here is how the epilepsy-related comments were distributed throughout March.

epilepsy reddit nlp google sentiment

The big spike on March 22 was partly due to a question in AskReddit. AskReddit is where posters ask and answer “questions that elicit thought-provoking discussions”. The spike was the result of responses to the question “What are you sick and tired of having to explain to people?.” I can imagine people living with epilepsy having an opinion on that question.

Which subreddits are the most active?

Next, I wanted to break down the comments by the group they were posted in. On Reddit, the groups are called “subreddits”. Those discussions helped the AskReddit subreddit lead the comment count for epilepsy-related posts. The subreddit dedicated to discussions about epilepsy came in second.

epilepsy reddit nlp google sentiment

What adjectives do people use when they talk about epilepsy?

Besides looking at simple numbers, I wanted to analyze the comments themselves. I ran them through Google’s Natural Language (NLP) API to see what I could learn. NLP takes a sample of text and breaks it down into parts of speech and sentiment.

First, I looked at the parts of speech. Here are the top adjectives most used in conjunction with the word “epilepsy.”

epilepsy reddit nlp google sentiment

What is the sentiment of the comments about epilepsy?

Next, I wanted to add the sentiment piece. The NLP looked at each comment and to try to infer if it represented a positive or negative sentiment. “I won’t let epilepsy get me down” is an example of a positive sentiment. “I have epilepsy and am depressed” expresses a negative sentiment. I wondered if the adjectives used changed depending on the sentiment of the comment, and they did.

For comments characterized as positive, words like “good”, “great”, and “best” were included.

epilepsy reddit nlp google sentiment

For negative comments, “bad”, different”, and “severe” made the list.

epilepsy reddit nlp google sentiment

I also wanted to look at the sentiment across the different groups. The chart below shows the average sentiment of the epilepsy-related comments by subreddit.

epilepsy reddit nlp google sentiment

Again, a positive score reflects an overall positive sentiment of the comments. Interestingly, the big negative score on the chart is for the subreddit “KotakuInAction.” The group relates to the “GamerGate” controversy and other gaming and Internet issues. The thread that contained the epilepsy comments related to the Eichenwald case. That was where a journalist with epilepsy was sent a seizure-inducing twitter message.

What else do people talk about when they talk about epilepsy?

Finally, Google’s algorithm also provides other topics (entities) that are discussed in text. Here are the most common entities mentioned in conjunction with epilepsy on Reddit.

epilepsy reddit nlp google sentiment

Let’s look at January through March…

Since the data was available, I ran a few of the reports for the first three months of 2017, as well, to see if anything changed.

First, here are the number of comments for January through March.

I also wanted to see how different the entities report was over the three months. There was a lot of overlap from the March chart, showing that conversations about those entities are likely normal.

Finally, I also looked at the occurrences of specific references to a handful of positive and negative terms that often come up when speaking about epilepsy.

Looking at the two charts, clearly, references to medication, side effects, and depression were often discussed in the comments on Reddit.

What’s next?

This project was a first look at using natural language processing techniques to analyze social media posts about epilepsy. There are a number of applications for such technology, and it will be interesting to explore more sites and using different algorithms and techniques. If you have any thoughts or suggestions on other ways to look at the data, please leave a comment below.

If you’re interested in doing your own analysis, you can find the source code and other information on my GitHub page. A shout-out to Sara Robinson for her article, which was a guide and huge inspiration.