Resisting The Inevitable

When my son’s epilepsy diagnosis came, it came with a list of changes that we needed to make to our lifestyle. No more baths without supervision, no more swimming without someone else in the pool, and no bunk beds. The first two changes were precautions to prevent drowning, and the last one was to prevent falling out of bed during or after a seizure.

A few months before his diagnosis, to help ease the transition for my son with our move from Colorado to Philadelphia,  we sprung for a new bedroom set for his new room. The bed? A loft bed with a slide, clearly not on the epilepsy-friendly list.

epilepsy safety bed rail


We really struggled with what to do. The diagnosis was new, and it was bad enough that our son was having seizures, we didn’t want this also to mean we had to start taking stuff away from him and changing his environment. Besides, we told ourselves, the medicine was doing its job, and he wasn’t having seizures anymore. So we let him keep his bed.

As it turned out, his seizures weren’t under control. They were masked by the medicine and they evolved, happening early in the morning and shortly after he woke up…both times when having a bed that was five feet off the ground posed a serious danger. After our latest hospital stay, my wife and I finally had the conversation that we had been putting off and made the decision to create a safer environment for our son.

Instead of ordering a new bed, we talked to our son about converting his fire station loft bedroom in to a ground level hockey bedroom and he was thankfully on board. Most of the time, he handles so much of this better than I do, and my fears about him resisting these changes or feeling like his epilepsy were going to ruin his life proved a much easier conversation, especially when we talked to him about the silver linings and making him a part of the process. He will get to help pick his sheets and blankets with his favorite teams. With the slide removed, there is more room to play hockey. And, probably most importantly, lowering the bed is the next step in to him being able to sleep in his own room again.

The lesson is that safety should always come first, and that there are ways to make these transitions less traumatic. It just takes a little creativity and a lot of love, which our family has in spades.

Oh, and by “converting” his bed, I broke out the circular saw…

epilepsy safety environment seizure

…and cut the legs down on his bad to a safer height.
bed epilepsy safety seizure

I wish taking away his seizures were as easy.

A New Normal

The idea of normal for me six months ago feels very different from it does today.

Six months ago, none of this was happening. We were an ordinary family with an exceptional boy growing up in a normal way without seizures, without medicine, and without a diagnosis.

Then the seizures came, and our normal changed. Normal was daily medication. Normal was carrying a rescue medicine with us where we went. Normal was explaining to caregivers and teachers what to do in case of a seizure when we barely knew ourselves.

That was our normal for awhile. But then the seizures changed, and the medicine he was on also needed to change. Only, that medicine didn’t work, so our normal became more seizures, and hospital stays, and testing, and a search for answers.

normal epilepsy lifestyle

This last hospital stay, a bad reaction to one of the medicines caused something called ataxia, which means our son basically lost control of his body. Thankfully, when they stopped the medicine and he is slowly gaining back control of his body and his mind, but we’re left to wonder how fully he will recover

Six months ago our normal was talking about how our son would be a hockey player when he grew up. Now we’re just hoping we can regain what was lost, and hopefully figure out a cause, or a treatment, or preferably both.

We’re still in a place where we don’t know what our new normal is going to be. But whatever the future holds, there is one thing that will always be part of our normal, and that is making our son feel exception.

Because he is.


The Waiting Is The Worst Part

I spend a lot of time waiting for explosions.

These explosions come from different places and take many forms in my life. Lately, they’ve come in the form of seizures and an angry reaction to a new medicine.

Each explosion creates a new crater on the landscape in my mind as I hunker down in the bunker waiting for them to subside. The snow outside tonight makes me think of the soldiers in World War II, freezing in foxholes in the dark night of the Ardennes Forest while the Germans shelled them, destroying trees, bodies, and spirits alike. The physical damage is easy to rationalize, and to justify, and to accept. The damage to the spirit is harder to quantify, and it brings with it the wonder when the explosions will come again.

epilepsy explosion shellshock

The waiting is always the worst part. Waking up to every sound at night wondering if it’s another seizure, especially when there were none the previous night. Wondering if the next episode of my child not listening will escalate in to biting, and spitting, and the horrible things that no child should ever have in their heart. Only, you know with what’s happening, that is not really your child. Except, it is. And there is nothing you can do about it except try to calm things down, and hope that it will be the last time. The last outburst. The last bad reaction.

And that’s when the waiting starts…all over again.