Giving Back And Getting Back

Recently at work, I had an opportunity along with a handful of colleagues to speak to a group of high school students with special needs. The goal was to share our experiences working at a large company, to talk about our background and how we got to where we were, and to highlight practical skills we thought helped make us successful.

When I introduced myself, I mentioned that my son also has special needs. I could see that look of connection on the students’ faces. When I shared that he has epilepsy, one of the students in front interrupted me. “I have epilepsy, too,” he said. “What kind does he have?”

“Generalized seizures, ” I replied. “Refractory…we’ve tried a bunch of different medications but he still has seizures.” The young man paused, then mentioned his current medication. I gently interjected and suggested that we talk more after the other speakers. He smiled and nodded, and I continued.

The kids were great. They were attentive. They were curious and asked questions. And they were gracious. After each speaker, the students clapped enthusiastically.

After all the speakers had gone, the floor was opened for questions. Two of the students asked technical questions about platforms and architecture. Others asked questions about our company and our products. They asked what kind of jobs our company had. And then one student asked if our company would hire someone like him…someone with a disability.

The student who asked it was one that I had chatted with before the event. He asked about how much math I needed to do for my job because he wasn’t that good at math. I am surrounded by people with PhDs in math, I thought, but I told him that it depends on the type of job and that our company has a lot of different types of jobs. Now he was asking if our company would consider including someone like him. Someone like the other kids in the room. Someone like my son.

I didn’t know how to answer his question so I rattled off a list of facts about my company. “Well, our head of accessibility is blind,” I stated. “And I know other people in the company who have other conditions that don’t prevent them from working here.” I mentioned our employee resource groups, including our “Abilities Network” that builds a community around special needs, except I used the word “disabilities”.

That was when the student with epilepsy spoke up. “They’re not disabilities, ” he said. “People like us, and people like your son, we can do anything we want to do.”

I stopped talking and I listened. I listened to this teenager as he spoke directly to me about a hopeful future for my son. It was as if he saw right into my fear about the future and wanted to let me know that it was going to be okay. It took me so off guard that I had to struggle to keep my composure.

When he was done, I thanked him. Because I know that everything he had said was a gift for me. A gift to take home to my son. A gift to carry forward in my life. A gift to share with the people around me.

I walked into that room to give a piece of myself to those students. I wanted to tell them about my story and my son’s story to connect with them and to inspire them. I didn’t expect to get anything in return, but I got back as much as I gave.

Maybe more.

Advocating For My Special Needs Child

By the time my son started kindergarten, we had gotten him off another toxic medicine and he started to settle in to the ketogenic diet and a new medication. His behavior began to level off and his seizures happened mostly at night. He still needed assistance during the day, special needs coming from a combination of seizures, behavior, and attention, but the district found him a one-on-one aide that could start the first day of school. Everything seemed to come together just at the right time.

His one-on-one was not specifically trained. I’m not sure she knew what the details of the job were before the first day, so we basically told her that she should keep our son safe, watch for seizures, and help keep him on task if he has a hard time focusing or demonstrating a lack of impulse control. After a week or two, we started to receive feedback from the teacher that the aide wasn’t going out to recess with him, a time where having a seizure would leave him most vulnerable. We also learned that she was making him sit by himself during lunch on those days where his stomach was having a hard time with the fat in his diet and he didn’t bring food, leaving him to sit at the end of the table away from his friends.

Instead of bringing it up to the district, we wrote a list of “expectations” with my son’s teacher and gave them to the one-one-one. She did better for a time, but it was clear that working with children was not her thing and that she was just showing up for the paycheck. There was no warmth, no compassion, and no attempt to get to know our son, but we let it go because at least she was doing something, and our son was doing so much better.

His teacher and the class aide also did what they could, but in a class of 29 children, my son could only receive so much special attention. But again, he seemed to be doing so much better, so we thought, between the teacher, aide, and the extra body that was his one-one-one, that our son was getting enough support because he was in school, making friends, and learning. Things were on cruise control, and we let a lot of things slide.

Last week, though, our son got sick. We already learned early on that epilepsy and sickness don’t play nice together. It was actually the flu that brought us to the emergency room the first time things got bad with my son’s seizures, and where we saw first-hand the increase in seizures that come along with the sneezing, coughing, and runny nose. This time, though, we had a good base of medication and diet, so we weren’t seeing a big increase in seizures, but we were seeing more attention, focus, and impulse control issues.

This happened to be the same week where my son’s one-on-one took a different job. I was told by my six-year-old that his helper’s last day was the previous Friday. No one told us (or his teacher) the the aide had left, so my son was left to find his way in a classroom during a week where he most needed the help.

The episode was our wake up call. The nurses and social workers told us before we started school that, especially with public schools that are desperate for funding, we would need to be our son’s most vocal advocates. But we got comfortable because things were going better than we could have imagined a few months ago. We let ourselves drift in to a state of dangerous complacency because of how well our son was doing and we stopped pushing for what our son needed.

I haven’t been doing it that long, so I’m still learning what it means to be the parent to a child that has special needs. It’s hard enough to watch my son struggle with his epilepsy and related side effects. It’s exhausting to think about the level of effort that will be necessary to stay vigilant and ensure he is getting even the most basic services, nevermind what he needs to succeed. But like the many other parents that struggle every day to navigate the complicated, messy, and difficult world surrounding a special needs child, I’ll be loud and fight for what my son needs. Because if I don’t, no one else will.

A Night (Or, At Least, A Few Hours) On The Town

Last night, my wife and I we were able to go on our first proper date (it was her birthday) since we moved to Philadelphia and since our family’s journey with epilepsy began. It was only a few hours on the town, but it came after many months of struggle.


One of the challenges that we’ve had has been to find someone to help take care of our son during the day. Up until now, it’s been primarily my wife, with me filling in after work and on the weekends. But my wife has to deal with the brunt of the behavior every day, all day, as well as struggle to find the time and attention to also give to her business, which she can’t do very often because our son needs near constant attention. And so she has bore the brunt of this for our family, sacrificed much of herself and her business, since it started.

As parents, there was no training for how to navigate this new world. We were simply thrust in to it, as was our son. We’re trying to manage his epilepsy and control and direct his behavior, while at the same time simply trying to wrap our head around what is happening and why it is happening, two questions to which we still do not have answers. Like so many families that are going through the same thing, whether it’s for epilepsy or for another condition, the relentless struggle to simply manage the day-to-day is exhausting, and frustrating, and constant. We have both broken many times, only to go to bed, wake up, and do it all over again.

Back when we lived in Colorado, we got breaks, we had jobs that we could focus on, and we went on dates. We had a few different babysitters, some as young as 15 because they only needed to play with our son and put him to bed. But now, a teenager is no more equipped for the situation than we were when we started. We needed someone who could handle the seizures, and keep him safe during an outburst, and that was trained, and capable, and able to handle the stress of working with a “special needs” kid.

While we need someone with a particular set of skills (cue Liam Neeson), our son’s condition didn’t qualify as a medical necessity that required a nurse so, again like many other families, we’re left in the middle…not a medical necessity but more than a parent can handle. If you need assistance, you need to find it yourself and pay for it yourself, too. Both of those obstacles leave many people helpless, in every sense of the word.

We’re very fortunate that we found an amazing caregiver that is patient and that works academically with our son since he hasn’t been able to attend school. But she can only come for a set number of hours a week…enough to help out and give my wife a chance to breathe, but not enough for her to actually catch her breath. We’re grateful the help and for the opportunity to go out for my wife’s birthday, especially since we know that there are other families that are not as lucky.